
The "Byscuit" cookie consent management banner allows a website visitor to record and apply their cookie consent preferences. It enables the website to comply with cookie management requirements.

When a user visits a website where the Byscuit script is implemented, the absence of the required "cc_cookie_byscuit" cookie triggers the display of the banner.

This cookie is not present when

  • This is the user's first visit
  • The cookie has expired
  • The cookies have been deleted from the browser

By default, there are four main categories of cookies:

  • Necessary (or essential) cookies: They do not require consent as they are essential for the proper functioning of the website.
  • Functional cookies: These cookies allow the website to offer enhanced functionality. If they are refused, these services may not work properly, reducing the user experience. Sent to Google via the tag: functionality_storage.
  • Analytics cookies: These cookies collect data for statistical analysis and are more likely to require user consent. Sent to Google via the tag: analytics_storage.
  • Advertising cookies: They are used for advertising purposes and generally require user consent according to many regulations. Sent to Google via the tag: ad_storage.

Example of the default banner displayed on the website:

The user can:

  • "Accept All," which records this consent choice and closes the banner
  • "Refuse All," which records this consent choice and closes the banner
  • "Customize," which opens a second modal window, allowing the user to get details and accept or reject each category of cookies individually.

The “Cookie Details” link allows you to view the list of cookies saved in the Byscuit configuration for this site.

Until the user makes a choice, no information is recorded. 

Following the consent choice, a necessary cookie named "cc_cookie_byscuit" is recorded on the browser. As long as this cookie exists, consent is no longer requested from the user.

This cookie contains the exact date of consent, the choice by category, the domain name, as well as the "consent_uuid" unique identifier of the consent:


This cookie has a lifespan of 6 months (by default). Beyond this period, the banner will be displayed again. Simultaneously, this consent data is transmitted via a secure API to a centralized database (SQL Server) for verification and to export the proof of consent upon the user's request.

IP address anonymization: The user's IP address (IPv4) is truncated, and the last digits corresponding to the user's network component identifier are replaced with 0.


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